First of all, what is DBeaver? DBeaver is a free database management tool, also known as DBMS (a database management system). There are a variety of DBMS options available, some of the most popular are Oracle Enterprise Manager, Navicat Premium, Snowflake, Amazon Athena, Azure Database for MySQL.1

The reason that DBeaver is popular is that it is cross platform and supports multiple databases. In addition, it is free! The way that DBeaver connects to so many sources is that it uses a JDBC driver, so any database which has a JDBC driver can be connect. In addition, the EE version also supports non-JDBC sources (MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, etc.)2

Tip 1: Change the background color to dark

This was actually a lot tricker than i thought! If you have Dbeaver 7.2 and above then:

Click on preferences, this may be found with the kebab menu (if you don’t know what that is check out the graphic at the end of this document!)

Then, select User Interface >> Appearance >> Theme >> Dark and hit “Apply” to test it out. Once you are satisfied with the results hit “Apply and Close”.

Tip 2: Show Line Numbers

You can find this menu most easily by right clicking on the “gutter” with the execution icons and selecting “show line numbers”.

Tip 3: Set up your export directly to excel

If you are working with business users who need to use your results with Excel functions, export directly to excel.

Go to Help >> Install new software

Then select add and make a connection the plugin located at the website , and then “Add” again.

Finally select the plug-in you want to install, and then “Finish”. It may take a few minutes for the plug-in to download. You will know it has downloaded because DBeaver will ask you restart the application.